
I am an author and illustrator living and working in Düsseldorf, Germany.

After a creative break of several years I felt the need to save all the images that had treasured up in my head from languishing in the dusty corners of my mind like rotten apples in an abandoned garden.

So I decided to buckle up for the bumpy road back to creative bliss and started exposing my illustration works, imperfect, scrawly, wobbly and wonky as they turned out after having been out of practice for a while, to sunlight, fresh air and total strangers on the internet.
So, hello there, welcome to my site!

I am determined to keep an eye on the beauty, the extraordinary, the oddness and the inconsistency of life and try to understand them using the sharp tip of a pencil.

And I am happy to pick up illustration jobs - so feel free to get in touch anytime.

2010 I released my first graphic novel “Immy And The City - Depresso to go” with ATRIUM - der Erich Kästner Verlag,

I am currently represented by Berlin Literature Agency Landwehr & Cie.

For all enquiries, please get in touch via mail.

Thank you.