Fight for your right to party!

Make your kid’s birthday a day they will never forget. Ha ha, as if. My children can hardly remember what they had for lunch. So never mind. And yet, you can help them remember by keeping these birthday invitation cards for them. One day they might appreciate all the effort you spent on their birthday parties and with a bit of luck they might even forgive you for taking them to bed a little tipsy that night ;-)


SuperDuperheroes Girl Edition

That birthday was spent in a climbing hall. Lots of sweat and lemonade. And of course a whole lot of fun. I decided to illustrate two cards to have a female and a male super hero the kids could identify with. Extra work but worth it!


Superduperheroes boy edition

Same party, different card! As you can see a logo was also designed for the day. All children were given t-shirts with their superhero logo on it. They totally loved it. Even with ketchup on it.

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Mermaid party

A little mermaid was turning four years old and wished for a mermaid party.