Your parents used to be teenagers

There are times when I believe life over fourty is simply ace. Lounging on the couch, dinner in my belly, kids in bed, Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix ( I don’t really watch it, I just enjoy the cheerful “aura” of Drew Barrymore) and a sketchpad along with a couple of pencils and a brand new rubber on my lap: Life is good!

At the moment I enjoy sketching people and still lifes. A few years ago, drawing always involved a lot of pressure, mostly pressure I was responsible for myself. Which is silly. I do know that now, but I didn’t back then. I am now in the process of letting go of expectations. Which is not only healthy but at the same time creates a sensation of joy and playfulness, which I, in this extent, never encountered.

Maybe that’s how I felt when I was younger, a child, a teenager. I lost this kind of lightness as a twen, but I am determined to get it back. In that respect I watch my children, who also love to draw, and I learn from them, day by day. Their lightheartedness creates the most beautiful drawings.
